Tuesday, 30 October 2018

30.10.18- Disney Conventions

Disney Animated Film

Disney is a hugely successful and highly popular company. The main four major film studios include: Disney animation studios, Pixar Animation Studios, Marvel studios and Lucasfilm Ltd. The genre for most Disney film is animation and this involves visually illustrating so the characters are moving. The target audience for these films is mainly children and this goes from animated animals to animated singing volcanoes.

A commonly seen feature of Disney animated films would be the "True Loves First Kiss". This is seen whether its an escape from death or transformation into a human. Disney does this is target younger females They stick to this sort of storylines they can carry on creating similar films and therefore making more money. This particular idea is seen in snow-white when she dies form the poisoned apple she is woken up from a true loves kiss, similarly with sleeping beauty, aurora is in a permanent sleep and gets woken up from true love and finally with the little mermaid Ariel kisses Eric to become a permanent human so she can live with her true love not in a mermaid form.

The next idea that Disney have commonly utilised is "being friends with nature". This certainly helps Disney keep their younger viewers as young children love animals and the idea of being friendly with them. For example in snow-white: The character herself becomes friends with all sorts of animals and creatures including Rabbits and Birds. Also in Beauty and the Beast, Belle is seen to being very close with her horse again reinforcing the idea of being close with animals and befriending nature. Animal companions make younger children believe that all animals are nice and sugarcoat the danger.

Some of the older films such as Mary Poppins include singing, this is another popular method that Disney use. This is a clever method as majority of Disney viewers and target audience are part of the younger generations. This method is still popular today and can be seen in some of the newer and most recent films such as frozen and Coco.

Similarly, Disney have been sticking to having deeper morals into their storylines, for example newer films like UP: After losing his wife, Carl showed not to take life for granted and go out and do the things you always said you wanted to do. This encourages younger generations to look into being more morally correct. Alternatively in the Pixar film Finding Nemo , Disney wanted viewers to see that you have to let go of the ones you love eventually and again gives Disney viewers a thought provoking production.

Finally, Disney love to include the idea of "coming of age" this is seen in inside out when the parents within this film are oblivious to how she is growing up and moving on, in comparison to Toy story 3 when Andy is all grown up and not taking his toys to university with them, This communicates with the viewers and creates a relatable production for families watching.

In conclusion, Disney has many codes and conventions within all the old and upcoming films to keep their audiences interested therefore making them more money.
Image result for snow white true love's kiss gifImage result for beauty and the beast gifImage result for mary poppins gif

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