Thursday, 21 March 2019

21.3.19-Podcast Case Study

BBC podcast Case Study Questions

  1. What does the Role of a production designer entail?                                                    Responsible for the overall look of a production, the design atmosphere, in the hierarchy of importance within a production, the production designer comes after the director.
  2. During a production, which other members of the production and which other areas of the production does the production designer coordinate with?                                                         The production designer will have to converse with mainly the director about the feel/ look of the production, for building sets and locations. A production designer would also have to discuss the look of the costumes with the costume designer and the lighting with the DOP.
  3. What issues with locations can occur during the production of a TV drama?                           The location has to be realistic as possible, however a lot of them are tourist attractions so they're not always accessible. 
  4. What skills, education and experience is it beneficial for a production designer to gain?         Art schools , work experience on sets, Artistic background, volunteering and having a clear understanding of the role you would like to work in.
  5. During the production process itself, where are the working locations that a production designer tends to work and how do these relate to the actual filming of the TV drama?               The production designer tends to work on the construction sides so working very closely to set and locations, this is where the organisation of props takes place. Graphic designer - makes really researched products. Seamstress- Sows so responsible for a lot of the props within the production.  Production designer is never on set watching the filming, but responsible for mostly the planning of the overall production.

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